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Healthy Exercise

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Healthy Exercise and Eating - How to Keep Your Exercise Healthy

By Judy Filarecki

For Maximum Benefits from Exercise, you must take a look at how Healthy Exercise and Eating relate in achieving the goals you are striving for.

What are the Goals you are trying to achieve with exercise? Do you want to:

  • Age Gracefully,
  • Live a Long and Active Life,
  • Keep Your Independence, and
  • Not be a Burden to your Children?

Are an Athlete, or not? Do you want to:

  • Build your Stamina,
  • Be at your Peak Performance,
  • Recover Faster after each Exercise Session, and
  • Be Less Prone to Injury?

How is your attitude toward the exercise?

Attitude determines if you continue with your exercise or not and it is not uncommon to have mixed emotions about it.

As I'm groaning, trying to get one more repetition in at a resistive level that no sane human being (or at least me) should even consider lifting, I think about my BMI and weight and have mixed emotions. I have not lost a single pound since I started faithfully exercising 5 to 6 days a week, two months ago, but...

  • My BMI has dropped 8 percent.
  • My tight clothes are getting loose. (I may just have to buy some new ones before these fall off).
  • I'm much more confident about myself and my appearance.
  • I feel more limber, less prone to injury and my posture is better.
  • I have more energy, my stamina has increased and feel more in control.
  • My brain feels cleared of clutter and negative thoughts, and
  • I get a good nights sleep.

These all sound like some very healthy things happening from all the exercise I'm doing, so I guess it is really "Worth It." Now the secret is to keep my exercise healthy, and this is where what you eat and what supplements you take comes in.

Did you know that your muscles need muscle glycogen as fuel to produce the energy needed for your workout plus a good supply of "B" Vitamins?

You can get this from complex carbohydrate such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains (not refined sugars and flours). These complex carbohydrates not only provide the fuel, but they also provide the nutrition your body needs to function properly.

To metabolize the fuel into energy, your body needs a good source of "B" vitamins . These "B" vitamins should preferably be in complex form, since they are in the natural combination necessary for them to work together to

  • Help with metabolism,
  • Enhance the nervous and immune systems,
  • Encourage new cell growth and division, and
  • Help keep the skin and hair healthy.

Are you aware that you cannot produce the essential and trace minerals and electrolytes your body needs everyday?

You need to supply these everyday through food and supplementation in order to

  • Keep your bones, the supporting structure of your body, strong,
  • Keep your blood vessels, nerves, muscles, heart and brain healthy,
  • Metabolize carbohydrates, protein and fats,
  • Keep your immune system strong, and
  • To produce rapid nerve conduction and muscle response.

This is just a sampling of what you need to know about keeping your exercise healthy through the food you eat and the supplements you take.

Other questions you should be looking at are

  • What are free radicals and how do they relate to exercise?
  • What role do Antioxidants have in exercise and where do you get them?
  • How critical is fluid during exercise and what type is best?

For answers to all these questions and many more, go to my website

It provides a great deal of natural health information in an easy to follow format.

On several pages, you will find a link to my free e-book, "Keep Your Exercise Healthy." This e-book addresses each of the question above in greater detail. Feel free to download it for yourself and anyone else you would like to share it with. It is free. I just ask that you respect my copyright and do not change any part of it.

Healthy Body

What is Your Healthy Body Weight
By Kim Beardsmore Platinum Quality Author

Everywhere we look in the western world we are inundated with pictures, images, icons and inferences of the 'perfect' female shape! The truth is that many of these images are altered or enhanced in some way and do not depict the typical female form. The pressure to lose weight is immense when we are bombarded every day with media selling products based on slimness, sex appeal and fashion. The constant message is that slimness will make you desirable.

With the current demographic trends in western countries, and faced with a sea of high fat, high sugar combined with physical inactivity; it is time to pay attention to our weight but not for any reasons of desirability. The most important reason for wanting to be a healthy body weight is for health rather than for how your body looks.

Overweight and obesity are major public health problems in western countries. Since the 1980s both adult men and women have become heavier, with obesity rates more than doubling in the last 20 years! Children are also becoming heavier. There is a growing concern that we are inadvertently training our overweight children to become obese adults. It has been said, we are digging our graves with out teeth! So just why should we be concerned with achieving a healthy body weight?

Overweight linked with diabetes.

In January 2003, the Journal of the American Medical Association featured two studies that highlighted the topic of obesity and its impact on health. The first study focused on the relationship between obesity and diabetes, as well as the growing concern of diabetes in the U.S. between the years 2000 and 2001. The numbers don't look good, with an alarming 5.6% increase of obesity in both men and women-from all ethnic groups, age ranges and educational levels. The occurrence of diabetes also increased-up 8.2% from 2000.

Overweight linked with premature death.

The second study found that obesity appears to markedly lessen life expectancy, especially among young adults. The researchers compared Body-Mass Index (BMI) to longevity and found a correlation between premature death and higher BMIs. For example, a 20-year-old white male, 5'10" weighing 288 pounds with a BMI of greater than 40 was estimated to lose 13 years of his life as a result of obesity. Findings were similar for women with higher BMIs, who were estimated to lose an average of eight years. While these studies reference extreme levels of obesity, there are still millions of overweight people in developed countries with a life expectancy rate that is three to five years less than their healthy-weight counterparts.
Overweight linked with heart disease.

Overweight people tend to have higher blood pressure and higher blood cholesterol, which are major risk factors for heart attack and other blood vessel disease. Being overweight can contribute to problems in the joints, and is also associated with other serious diseases such as diabetes.

How you tell if you are overweight

As we are all different shapes and sizes, there is not one recommended weight for your height. Instead there is a range of weights that are healthy for your height. One way to check your weight is to calculate your Body Mass Index or BMI.

Your BMI is a ratio or comparison of your height and weight expressed in a number. To find out your BMI you need to divide your weight (measured in kg) by your height (measured in m) squared. If you do not know your measurements in the metric system you can find any number of BMI calculators online that will do the conversion for you into empirical measures. One such calculator is at the website listed below.

The accepted definitions of weight categories by BMI are:

Underweight - BMI less than 18.5
Healthy weight - BMI between 18.5 and 24.9
Overweight - BMI equal to or greater than 25 and up to 29.9
Obese - BMI equal to or greater than 30

These BMI values only apply to adults aged 18 years and over and are based on studies of Caucasian populations. Therefore, they are not applicable to children and adolescents and they may not be appropriate for people of other cultural backgrounds.

Another way to check your weight is to measure your waist circumference, using a tape measure. This gives you an idea of whether you have a lot of fat stored around your middle. Waist circumferences associated with increased health risk are:

For men Waist circumference greater than 94cm
For women Waist circumference greater than 80cm

Being a healthy weight can help:

- improve blood cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood glucose levels
- reduce your risk of other health related problems
- improve self confidence and self esteem
- make it easier to be physically active.

If you are obese or overweight...try not to gain additional weight. This will help you in years to come as people tend to increase weight with age. Better still look after your body and follow a healthy lifestyle incorporating a nutritious, delicious, health enhancing weight loss program. Just by losing 10 pounds you can significantly improve your overall health.

(c) Copyright Kim Beardsmore

Kim Beardsmore M.B.A., B.Sc. is a writer for the weight loss, health & fitness website Weight Loss Health. For reliable information and resources free from hype, visit Weight Loss & Health Information

Healthy Fruits

The 3 Best Healthy Fruits For Winter Health
By Shanna Ohmes Platinum Quality Author

For seasonal eating, winter foods are generally more focused on vegetables and meat-based soups and stews. There are 3 fruits that are in season and are good for you all winter. These fruits will keep your immune system boosted to fight off the colds and flu and various other ailments.

• Apples-full of antioxidants, fiber, flavonoids, and vitamin C, an apple a day really can keep the doctor away. Apples protect against lung cancer and asthma. They are in season from the end of summer through early winter. Whole apples are better for you than apple juice. They are richer in the fiber your body needs to process the natural sugars in the fruit. Modern juice processing reduces polyphenolic phytonutrients that are found in the whole fruit. Enjoy apples raw, sauté with cabbage, onions and raisins or baked with butter and cinnamon for an easy healthy dessert.

• Oranges-vitamin C, B1, fiber and folate rich. Oranges lower high blood pressure and cholesterol. They phytonutrients that fight inflammation are found in the inner white pulp and in the peel, not the orange flesh. High vitamin C content in the orange flesh reduces inflammation associated conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and colon cancer. Oranges boost your immune system to prevent colds and earaches. They also protect the heart. Enjoy oranges as a snack or simmer orange segments with sweet potatoes and winter squash in orange juice. Serve sprinkled with walnuts.

• Grapefruit-rich in vitamin C, A, B5, fiber, potassium and folate. Grapefruit shares many of the same cold and cancer fighting properties as oranges. Grapefruit is also rich in lycopene which helps protect against prostate cancer and fights tumors. Limonoids in grapefruit fight mouth, skin, breast, lung, colon and stomach cancers. Grapefruits help detoxify your body of carcinogens and repair your DNA. Enjoy grapefruits in a fruit salsa or plain with raw honey or natural cane sugar.

Don't neglect your body's need for vitamin C during the winter. And don't let the holidays derail your healthy eating plan. Just incorporate these fruits into your daily diet and celebrations and your body will thank you.

©2009 Shanna Ohmes

Want to know more about how to boost your immune system? Traditional diets and how to prepare them, healthy fats, herbal remedies and debunking health myths are some of the subjects covered in The Natural Living Site Newsletter at

Healthy Vegetables

Healthy Vegetables Deliver Good Health - Top Ten Benefits of Vegetables
By Heidi Boudro

What benefits can you expect from the many tastes and textures of healthy vegetables? The benefits of vegetables start with low calories and high fiber and include the prevention of diabetes and cancer.

1. Counting calories? Vegetables are low in calories but high in nutrition. For this reason, most diets recommend eating plenty of vegetables.

2. Gut problems? Vegetables are high-fiber foods. Fiber prevents all types of gut problems, especially constipation. Fiber has even been shown to lower the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer.

3. Hungry? Starchy vegetables include potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips, and winter squash. These complex carbohydrates are high in vitamins and minerals. They're filling and satisfying. As a bonus, they prevent sugar cravings.

4. Overheated? Cool off with refreshing vegetables such as cucumbers, lettuce, avocados, and tomatoes.

5. Low energy? Beans and lentils are high in protein. Brown rice and beans make a "complete protein" and are a staple of nutritious cuisines around the world.

6. Sniffling? Garlic and onions are antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. Onions have been used to treat the common cold. Onions also contain antihistamine substances that fight allergic reactions.

7. Toxic? Cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower (and other cruciferous vegetables) help the body produce the enzymes to detoxify itself of carcinogens and other toxins. Diets for detoxification are always high in vegetables and vegetable juices.

8. Wear and tear? Phytochemicals ("plant chemicals") in vegetables act as antioxidants that defend the body from the byproducts of metabolism and toxic exposure.

9. Blood sugar problems? The famous Mediterranean diet (high in vegetables, fruit, and whole grains) improves insulin sensitivity. That is, the body improves its ability to use its insulin to control blood sugar. This greatly lowers the risk of diabetes.

10. Preventing cancer? A diet high in vegetables has been shown to lower the risk of lung cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, and others. One recent study demonstrated that raw cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower, in just a few servings per month, dramatically reduce the risk of bladder cancer.

With all these and more benefits of vegetables, can you resist adding an extra vegetable to tonight's dinner?

Heidi Boudro is the editor of Getting Started With Healthy Eating, a web site at dedicated to ideas, techniques, and information for beginning and maintaining healthy eating with whole foods. More information can be found there about Healthy Vegetables -- Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, the active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.

Healthy Breakfast

Healthy Breakfast - The Importance of Having it Every Morning
By Tanya Robbins Platinum Quality Author

Eating a healthy breakfast is one of the most important ingredients of living a healthy life. Unfortunately, however, many people hardly eat anything in the morning. I admit I was that way too occasionally when I was still in school. It mostly happened when I was cramming for an exam the night before; I would then want to get an extra hour of sleep instead of eating breakfast.

I know a few people who started forming the unhealthy habit in school which later got carried into their adult lives. They are so used to not eating in the morning that they don't even feel hungry until lunch time. So they tend to eat a big lunch and again a big dinner in the evening. This is a way for your body to make up for not getting a healthy breakfast when you rise. You may not feel any negative effects from it until you get older and your metabolism slows down; you then start to gain weight and have a lot of health issues associated with it like high blood pressure and cholesterol, diabetes, etc.

Fortunately for me, I have always been interested in healthy living and hence, read plenty of books and articles about it. So I learned the importance of eating a healthy breakfast early on, and didn't allow myself to fall into the bad habit of not eating in the morning.

By eating a healthy meal to begin your day, your body kicks on the metabolism which helps burn calories more efficiently. This way you also get a small boost of energy which improves your performance. You can see why eating a healthy breakfast is even more important if you're trying to loose weight.

Remember though, that eating healthy to start your day doesn't mean just eating anything. Donuts, sugary pastries, bacon, sausages, and even bagels especially with cream cheese are out. Your body doesn't need all the calories contained in those foods. Cereal is generally good but you still need to read the labels since some cereals contain high sugar.

So what are healthy breakfast foods? Before I start my day I usually eat a bowl of cereal with low fat milk, some fresh fruit, and a glass of fruit juice. You can choose different types of cereals and fruit throughout the week so that you don't get bored eating the same stuff every day. You may also want to add low sugar oat meal and dry toast (especially whole wheat) to your healthy breakfast menu. If you're in a hurry, consider having a protein drink instead of skipping breakfast. Those are just a few ideas. You can add your own or improvise a little to spice things up, which I often do, as long as the food is not high in calorie.

My little daughter loves eating a healthy meal every morning and she doesn't snack on the sweet stuff many other kids do throughout the day. It's good to start kids eating a healthy breakfast everyday so that they form the habit at a young age and will most likely keep it for life.

Tanya Robbins is a staff writer at where you can read great articles like Delicious BBQ Sauce.

Healthy Weight Loss

Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss-Phase I
By John Christian Sebastian Platinum Quality Author

How can a quick weight loss also be a healthy weight loss?Truthfully, if this is the thought on your mind, you are miles ahead of the majority of people interested in weight loss today. In fact, the true thought that the majority of weight loss seeker are having is, “How can I have a quick weight loss?” There is no mention of a healthy weight loss at all! The problem is that everyone wants the results, but doesn’t care about what they have to do to get there. More importantly, they don’t care about the long term negative affects that will follow their quick weight loss. In order to achieve your healthy weight loss and for it to also be a quick weight loss, you must make some fitness tuning changes to your body.

Now that we’ve identified that your mind should be on how a quick weight loss must also be a healthy weight loss, let’s get you there! We are going to address several things regarding your life and how you live it. I will give you the paths that you need to take in order for you to get to a healthy weight loss. Then you will need to go down those paths, one at a time. How well and how dedicated you are to accomplishing the completion of those paths will determine whether or not you have a quick weight loss. I will give you the tools to make a healthy weight loss also be a quick weight loss, but you must use them, and use them properly, for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss to occur.

Step one, to achieve your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, will be to make some changes to your diet.You must, and must want to, start with your diet. If you are a person that has a minimal or non-existent amount of exercise done each week, then trying to tackle that step first can be disastrous. If you run into the gym, before you correct your dieting deficiencies, you will feel a great deal of fatigue during exercise, and possibly faintness, dizziness, and extended muscle soreness and fatigue afterwards. To begin your stepping into a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, you must first begin with giving your body the nutrients that it needs. Otherwise, your quest towards a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss will be that much more difficult, not to mention less enjoyable!

The dieting change to begin your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey is your daily food intake. You should have three meals a day, each containing a carbohydrate, a fruit or vegetable, and a protein. These items must also be evenly proportioned for each meal. You should get plenty of whole grains in your diet, so make sure that your carbohydrate sources are whole grain as often as possible. Ensure that you also get plenty of good cholesterol in order to keep your cholesterol level under control. This means that you should be eating a variety of nuts, eggs, and fish and including olive oil in your diet. In fact, I would recommend at least one meal a day which contains some kind of fish. Not only is it a good source of protein, but the Omega-3 oils that are contained in fattier fishes such as salmon and mackerel are essential for a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, as well as healthy living.

Some fitness tuning suggestions for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss diet.In the morning, I start my day with a fruit, a bowl of oatmeal and some bacon or sausage, followed by a multivitamin. For lunch you should also plan your lunch to contain a protein source, a carbohydrate, and a vegetable. I only have fruit with my meal in the morning, due to the fact that the sugar will help you to start your day by giving you the energy that you need. Vegetables contain more vitamins and minerals than fruit and therefore must be of higher concentration in your diet. My dinner always contains a meat, pasta or potatoes, and a steamed vegetable or salad. The fiber from the fruits and vegetables will slow down the absorption of the carbohydrates into your body, and will allow you to burn off absorbed carbohydrates before they can be stored as fat. By following these diet guidelines, your healthy weight loss will become a quick weight loss as well. Plus, you will have the energy to begin the next path towards your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey that will be found in Phase II.

Believe it or not, your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss plan involves snacks! In order to ensure that you are supporting your body’s needs for Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, you must have two between-meal snacks. I continually use protein bars and protein shakes as my between-meal snack. However, I have also been known to use trail-mix that contains more nuts than fruits. Your goal is to ensure that your body is getting all of the proteins that it needs to support Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss plan. If you should ever feel a craving for something sweet, then have a piece of fruit. Some fruits have more sugars than others, such as bananas, grapes, pineapples, raisins, and mangos, and should be eaten sparingly. These are the desserts that will help to lead to your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, not to mention a healthier you.

You have now completed Phase I of your journey towards your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss.You have started your fitness tuning process by ensuring that the foods that you take into your body are healthy and contain all of the elements needed for your body’s healthy lifestyle. I will be following this article with Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, but you will be able to get more information regarding proper dieting and the benefits from doing so by clicking on my fitness tuning website’s link below. You will be able to join my free membership website, and gain access to all of the nutrition, dieting, and fitness information that I share with all of my members from week to week. Begin Phase I of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey today, and you will soon lead yourself to the results that you desire.

healthy cooking

Healthy Cooking - The Only Diet You Need
By Tom Greaves

Let's face it: not all of us love to cook but we all love to eat. However, we may be looking to lose weight and cooking from home without a plan is not the key to losing weight. You must first discover the secret to healthy cooking. Do you ever wonder why there are some people out there who seem to eat exotic dishes but never seem to put on any weight? This is because they have already mastered healthy cooking.

We have no excuse not to be cooking healthy recipes, the internet is littered with healthy recipes, easy ones that you can cook from home and that taste great. Some people think healthy cooking equates to tasteless food, this is simply not the case neither will cooking healthy effect your usual regime in a major way. It is normally the little things that count, like changing you salad dressing, or to opt for low fat sauces.

Some of us fall into that trap of thinking eating a salad is better than stuffing down a pizza, well that maybe so on the face of it but if you are drenching your salad in high fat dressing you will be surprised how close the calorie intake is.

Are you a meat eater? Switch to ground beef or even better, turkey to immediately impact your calorie intake. Simply draining the excess fat from your meat, once it is cooked could save you calories from your meal, it is the small changes that make the difference.

Healthy cooking improves your diet, weight and overall confidence. But the best thing about cooking healthy recipes is that we also pass those same benefits onto those who we cook for and you will be surprised how easy it is to implement healthy cooking techniques into your everyday cooking regime. There are hundreds of fast easy to cook meals out there that you could be using to good effect for your evening meals, look to try your own techniques, explore different ingredients after all that is what cooking is about, being creative.

So the best way to make a change is by good planning. At the beginning of the week plan what you need from your weeks shopping, think about ingredients and take time to check out the nutrition figures on the food you buy. Changing your shopping list can be another great way to cut back on those calories. Plan each meal in advance and implement the necessary healthy changes.

If you would like to learn about Healthy Family Recipes please visit Daily Fill - Cooking Recipes

how to eat healthy

Picky Eaters - Getting Children and Teenagers to Eat Healthy
By Lin Burress

Do you have a picky-eater in your house? Are you struggling to get your children to eat a healthy, balanced meal because they simply refuse to eat healthy food? Is your picky eater becoming an overweight statistic, willing to only eat fried foods, pizza, hot dogs, waffles and other sugar-coated sweet treats? You may even find yourself feeling like you've become a "short order" cook in your own home, serving up cafeteria-style meals for each family member just to keep the peace.If this sounds at all familiar, and you want to learn how to get your picky eater to eat healthy foods and have better health, carefully consider the following:

Children learn what they live, so if parents are not setting the right example, by eating a healthy diet themselves, parents are setting the stage for failure with their own children's health. Getting children to eat healthy food needs to begin when children are very young, while their tastes for different foods are still developing. Toddlers and older children can learn to love healthy foods, even if they are now very picky about what they will or will not eat.

"Samantha" is an overweight eight year-old child, who has just begun eating salads and a couple varieties of meats. Until very recently, she refused to eat anything but hot dogs, waffles, pizza, chicken nuggets, French fries and anything loaded with sugar. When she and her parents are invited to dinner at someone's home, they inevitably bring along a box of frozen waffles and syrup to heat and serve their "picky eater" in place of the planned meal. Samantha's parents' would lament, "we think she has a mental block", due to her refusal to eat anything remotely healthy. I dare say it isn't the child who has a mental block! Samantha's parents have enabled this behavior in their child by passing on their own dislike of healthy foods, and they now have an overweight statistic to show for it.

"Tara" is a mother of two young daughters, six year old Jessica and five year old Chelsey. While Tara is preparing a healthy and nutritious meal for her husband, she will ask her daughters what they want to eat for dinner because "they hate everything", ultimately preparing three separate meals in order to "keep the peace" at the dinner table. Tara often complains that she doesn't like this never-ending ritual, but fails to realize that putting a stop to it is well within her abilities as a parent of these two young girls.

Children that are picky eaters are that way because parents are allowing it to happen. It's your parental responsibility to make the rules about meals and snacks - not your child or teenagers. If you want your children to eat healthy, then serve them healthy and nutritious meals that the entire family can enjoy together. If your child adamantly refuses to eat the healthy meal set before them, then cover and save their meal in the refrigerator until they later say they're hungry. Then simply say, "That's good because I saved your dinner for you". Reheat and serve the meal to your child. Children that are truly hungry will eat. Children are not harmed by missing a meal or two. It's important to remember that being a picky eater is a learned behavior, and it will take time and determination on the part of the parents' to change things around.

Getting your children to learn to love fruits and vegetables can often be accomplished by offering small amounts of dipping sauces, dressings, or flavored low-fat yogurt to dip into. Instead of doling out cookies, brownies, donuts, chips and other high-calorie snacks, keep a variety of well-stocked fresh fruits or vegetables in easy reach of hungry children. From the time my children were very young, they ate and snacked on fresh and uncooked broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery with peanut butter, and all varieties of fresh fruits. We regularly introduced new items, especially different ethnic foods, and over a period of time learned to love all healthy foods. Sugary sweets such as cakes or cookies were saved for a special treat on weekends, rather than a nearly nightly occurrence following the evening meal.

Changing the behavior of a picky eater may not be an easy task, but nothing about parenting is easy. The sooner parents' start changing their own attitudes and behaviors towards healthy eating, the sooner they can expect their children to do the same.

healthy nutrition

Healthy Nutrition Has A Positive Effect
By John Gibb Platinum Quality Author

Even though a lot of people realize the benefits of following a good nutrition plan, only a few consider it as very significant. Most of them wonder, why have a healthy nutrition?

In a world where people depend on fast food, for reasons that fast food is quicker, simpler, and sometimes better tasting, hardly anyone eats their every meal at home. To ensure that our body is in its best order, we need to be more careful about the nutrition intake our body needs.

Why have healthy nutrition? The benefits are numerous. To be in tip-top shape our body needs supplies of various nutrients and minerals. And a healthy diet that includes vitamins and minerals is the only way to get to this. Our body needs these nutrients for a number of different reasons; they are vital for gaining energy, for growth, and for restoring worn out tissues. Your health may suffer if your diet lacks the necessary vitamins. So, healthy nutrition is required for the obvious reason of keeping your health fit.

Doctors recommend a strong nutritional schedule to patients when they are wreaked with any of the several of diseases. You could build a key to your survival if you keep your nutrition up when troubled with diseases such as cancer or aids. We have mentioned only a few benefits regarding a healthy nutrition. In addition to upholding a healthy nutritional plan, keeping fit by exercising can result in higher levels of energy, higher self esteem and a generally better feeling of well-being.

With the above information it is obvious that there are many answers to the question “Why have healthy nutrition”, and all of them imply to a better way of life. While the fast food and junk could be great and tempting, some simple determination and self-control can assist you attain levels of wellbeing.

The product we personally use called Total Balance - is the best supplement we have come across. We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results.

We highly recommend you learn more about our best natural nutritional supplement if you are interested in improving your overall health.

John Gibb runs a series of health websites, We offer a free health book for subscribers to our websites newsletter. We cover everything you need to know on nutrition and how to improve your general overall health. Check out our nutrition e-book, for more information on our nutrition book.

healthy children

Healthy Children - Parents Have Influence
By Connie Bednar Platinum Quality Author

What do we want for our children?

Parents want many things for their children. Good health would be the most important one among them.

Some diseases are inherited; parents are not able to control the genes they pass on to their children

In other cases illness is the result of a lack of understanding. The importance of helping our children develop good nutritional habits is often overlooked. Teaching children to live a healthy lifestyle is especially challenging today. Why, I’m thinking plain old TV just for starters.

How does television rob children of opportunity to be healthy? My first thought is advertising. What are children bombarded with while sitting in front of the TV. There is advertisement after advertisement enticing our kids to eat and drink junk. Even cereals today are coated with sugar. So much so that they may often feel like they are eating candy.

Beverages such as soda are the beverage of choice in the minds of our kids. It’s got to be sweet to be good. High fructose corn syrup is recognized as contributing to obesity today. One of the most frequently used products today in processed foods. It replaces sugar to make things taste sweet. Read labels and you will find this in so many things our children are drinking and eating. Actually, it is not just the children, we adults are consuming these products too.

Nutritionists will sight high fructose corn syrup intake as a key factor in the reason for the obesity we see today. Our bodies and the bodies of our children process this sweetener differently than old fashioned sugar. It actually causes the liver to send more fat into the system.

I’m not advocating eating loads of sugar, rather in the case of beverages I would suggest drinking something natural that contains no sugar. There is rooibos tea, herbal tea, tisanes and green, black and white tea. Greats drinks, no sugar necessary and lots of healthy advantages to drinking them. Enjoy them as a hot drink or add ice if that’s your mood.

Teas and tisanes have vitamins and minerals that are beneficial. Does this sound like a healthier choice to you? It does to me. Tisanes have the added benefit of having no caffeine.

When is the right time to introduce your children to a healthier life style? Should we do it when they are in high school, after years of consuming foods that aren’t nutritious? Maybe we should wait a little longer when our kids are away at college to let them know about nutrition. We can email them all kinds of information about healthier options for them. Do you think they would be interested then?

Come on, you know when the time is right. When you can still hold them in your arms and rock them to sleep. Before you have the thrill of watching them takes that first step.

That is the time, those precious years we have with them. Those are the years when we can encourage our kids to acquire a taste for healthy things.

Children learn well by example. The old cliché “Do as I say not as I do doesn’t carry the same strength that it did when I was young.

Dump all that soda, all those fruit drinks that have high fructose corn syrup down the sink. Acquire a taste for something healthier, something easy and quick to make at home and something you can take with you in a thermos or sports bottle.

Focus on becoming a healthier adult. It becomes easier then to encourage healthy children to follow in your foot steps.

Healthy Meals

How to Prepare Healthy Meals For Kids
By Mark Rocco Platinum Quality Author

Wouldn't it be great if kids grew up loving fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and everything that was healthy and nutritious for them? When parents prepare healthy meals for their kids, they are helping to develop exactly the right habits that will allow them to grow up not only eating, but enjoying all types of healthy and nutritious foods. So let's see what's involved in preparing a healthy kids meal.

In order for a child to enjoy healthy foods, the foods need to be appealing to children. Why do you think there are chicken nuggets shaped like dinosaurs? Breakfast cereals come in bright colors shaped like all kinds of cartoon characters? Fast food kid's meals come with toys? The food industry knows that these are all appealing to a child's imagination.

Healthy kids meals will all have the following characteristics:

· Have fun and imaginative names that your child can identify with
· Have bright colors and come in interesting shapes and/or designs
· Have familiar textures, crisp vegetables, crunchy snacks, juicy fruits, etc
· Come in kid sized portions

By introducing children to foods that are healthy and nutritious in a fun and imaginative way, it is already appealing to them and they will want to try it. Nothing is more difficult than getting a child to eat his/her Brussel Sprouts 'because I told you they are good for you'. Also, by appealing to your child's imagination, you can start to engage him/her in some of the planning and preparation.

Kids love to help mom and dad do stuff, whatever it is, so this is an excellent chance to get them involved and start developing those healthy eating habits. To get your child involved, and keep their interest, all recipes should:

· Use basic ingredients found in most home pantries
· Be simple to prepare allowing the child to help
· Be fast to prepare (~15 minutes)

Although most kids will have a favorite food that they want to eat every meal of every day, variety is also important since it allows you to introduce a wider range of healthy foods into their diet. Also, not every meal is going to be a well balanced dinner. Healthy eating habits means selecting healthful and nutritious options for all meals including:

· Drinks
· Snacks
· Packed lunches for school
· Prepared lunches at home
· Evening meals
· Desserts

The goal is to have your kids enjoying healthy foods, and eating well balanced and nutritious meals before they even realize it's good for them, and by that time they will like the foods so much, they won't care. So instead of engaging in a battle of wills over who's not leaving the table until they finish their broccoli, prepare healthy kids meals that are so much fun they'll be asking for more.

I'm Mark and I love my kids (twins) and want them to grow up healthy and strong which is why knowing how to prepare healthy meals is important to me. If you liked this article and want more information go to Prepare Healthy Meals for Kids. In addition, I've got lots of other information on ingredients, recipes, kitchen appliances, nutrition, and more on my blog at Home Chef Cooking Tips.

Healthy Eating Habits

How To Form Good Healthy Eating Habits
By Susanne Myers Platinum Quality Author

New Year's Resolutions are the promises we make to ourselves in January of each year, only to find ourselves falling back into our bad eating habits before Easter.

We make a pact with ourselves to form good healthy eating habits because we know that that one change will enhance our lives. Everyone knows that it is a good thing to form good healthy eating habits but few people have the will power to make this drastic lifestyle change for the long haul all by themselves.

There are ways to form healthier eating habits that won't wreck your social status or run your friends away. The most common reason that individuals can't stick to their New Year's resolutions are that they expect to become perfect overnight. If you make your goals too restrictive, you set yourself up for failure.

Here are some tips for forming good healthy eating habits:

1. Tell Family and Friends

Tell the family that there will be a fun night fixing smoothies. Announce that the reason is that everyone needs to eat more fruits and vegetables. Tell them why. This will involve the whole family in the lifestyle change.

Do not try going it alone for fear that if they see you doing the late night run to McDonalds's they will consider you a failure. You might be surprised. Your family and friends will respect you for your effort of self improvement and offer support.

Husbands might start grocery shopping or children might start dinner Miracles do happen.

2. Avoid Fast Food Restaurants early in the process. Taking small steps in the direction of a healthier lifestyle could be as simple as learning to make simple healthy meals at home rather than going to the fast food restaurant. If we do go out to eat, we can make healthier choices from the menu.

When you make the decision to form healthy eating habits, you must avoid triggers.

It is almost impossible to change your eating habits at a fast food joint. The smell, the golden arches are all triggers that will dissolve your resolution to eat healthier. It is not a lack of will power that drives you to order a "Big Mac" and fries, much of the taste and aroma of American fast foods are chemically manufactured to elicit both emotional and physical responses.

When you smell Mcdonald's, you get a experience a feeling of hunger even if you just finished a meal. The whole advertising campaign is designed to have you associate the fast food restaurants with good times and erroneously good eating.

3.Take Small Steps: Unhealthy eating is as much an addictive behavior as smoking or drinking. Eating quick meals or snacking on high calorie foods serve a function in our lives. whether it is the lack of time that drives us to the quick fix or the need for family socialization on a budget, we have developed these habits to make our lives easier.

Changing bad eating habits to healthy eating habits does not have to be an all or nothing decision. The best we can do is to take a slow, steady approach to revamping our eating habits. Little steps that we can follow everyday. Sometimes small substitutions of healthy foods for those we know are unhealthy add up to a good start toward health.

Start forming healthy eating habits today with the help of our healthy menu planner at

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healthy recipes

Healthy Recipes
By Max Bellamy

Studies show that some of the most mouth-watering and exotic dishes are the worst for man. Recipes meant to entice the taste buds are often low in proteins and fiber and high in carbohydrates. Regular consumption of this type of food can lead to serious health hazards like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, hypoglycemia and type 2 diabetes. High cholesterol can further lead to other serious conditions like heart disease and osteoporosis. Switching to healthy recipes will help you shed those extra pounds and improve your overall health.

For many people going on a “diet” means having to deprive themselves from food they love to eat. Following healthier recipes gives you a low-calorie and low-carbohydrate diet that can help you have your fill without worrying about obesity and health problems. Recipes involving a low-carbohydrate diet use low-carb alternatives as essential ingredients, tasting similar to the high-carb foods you are not allowed to eat. So you can eat healthier food including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, and green vegetables like asparagus, spinach, and broccoli until you are full, without worrying about your calorie intake.

People who follow the healthy recipes feel both physically and mentally fit. Small dietary changes can definitely lead to big results. Health practitioners relate that even with various breakthroughs in medicine, the best way to reduce the threat of the diseases is to reduce the likelihood of their occurring altogether. An easier and more practical way to reach this goal is to follow a healthy eating pattern, including healthy recipes in your daily life.

The sources of these recipes can be many. If your friend or aunt cannot supply them, browse the Internet or check with your healthcare provider. Experimenting with new ingredients and coming up with something delicious is also a nice idea. Your kitchen shelf should be full of quick and easy healthy recipes fulfilling your family’s nutritional needs.

Healthy Recipes provides detailed information on Healthy Recipes, Healthy Chicken Recipes, Healthy Smoothie Recipes, Healthy Recipes For Kids and more. Healthy Recipes is affiliated with Gourmet Food Gift Baskets.

healthy diets

Healthy Foods - All About Good Things To Eat!
By James L. Paleta

Did you know that our society is in the midst of a health craze? Any way you turn there is information about being healthier. Eating healthy foods is obviously one of the best ways to improve your health. However when people hear those two words they think of boring, bland foods that are widely available as a natural food co-op. Although healthy foods are things that you have eaten almost every day, at times just prepared in a different way.

Healthy foods as well as eating habits are pleasing both to the palate and plate. However one must remember that healthy foods is that the closer the food is to its natural state the healthier it is for you. Firstly you can start changing your eating habits to more healthy foods by cutting down on the number of prepared foods that you eat. Prepackaged foods are loaded with preservatives and artificial ingredients. Sure packaged foods are convenient, but healthy foods can be also, especially once you get into the habit of preparing them.

Healthy foods are very easy to prepare. In fact it doesn’t take much time or money to eat healthy foods. Here is a simple example of a fantastic meal that is easy to prepare, low-priced and features healthy foods. Grill lean hamburger patties until well-cooked. Next place the patties on whole grain all natural hamburger buns. You can serve the burgers with a large tossed salad as well as a side of steamed green beans. Follow this easy meal with a serving of fresh fruit for dessert. This meal can be on your table in less than half an hour and involves all healthy foods.

Grilling or baking lean meats, fish or chicken does not take to long to prepare. Tossing a salad of fresh greens and vegetables can easily be done while the meat is cooking. Alternatively you can round out the meals by using fresh or frozen vegetables. For added variety to your meals you can try using different healthy foods that you haven’t tasted before. Check the produce section of your local grocer which is stocked with a whole range of healthy foods including exotic fruits and vegetables. A good number produce sections offer recipes and tips to show how to prepare fruits and vegetables that you may not be familiar with. This is a great way to expose your children to a variety of healthy foods. Of course, you can experiment with many different fresh herbs that are also available in the produce sections that you can try to add different tastes to your meals.

You can prepare healthy foods on a regular basis to prepare fast nutritious meals. Healthy foods can also be used in more exotic recipes when you have the time. Healthy foods can also be prepared ahead of time and frozen for later use. You can be assured that when you prepare your own frozen foods, you know that they are not full of artificial additives and preservatives. Encourage children to get involve in the preparation of the healthy foods, thus creating a time when each can share about their day. Eating healthy foods do not have to cost you time or money, and they are certainly a better option for you.

James L. Paleta provides readers with up-to-date commentaries, articles, and reviews for food as well as otherrelated information.

healthy foods

Healthy Foods - All About Good Things To Eat!
By James L. Paleta

Did you know that our society is in the midst of a health craze? Any way you turn there is information about being healthier. Eating healthy foods is obviously one of the best ways to improve your health. However when people hear those two words they think of boring, bland foods that are widely available as a natural food co-op. Although healthy foods are things that you have eaten almost every day, at times just prepared in a different way.

Healthy foods as well as eating habits are pleasing both to the palate and plate. However one must remember that healthy foods is that the closer the food is to its natural state the healthier it is for you. Firstly you can start changing your eating habits to more healthy foods by cutting down on the number of prepared foods that you eat. Prepackaged foods are loaded with preservatives and artificial ingredients. Sure packaged foods are convenient, but healthy foods can be also, especially once you get into the habit of preparing them.

Healthy foods are very easy to prepare. In fact it doesn’t take much time or money to eat healthy foods. Here is a simple example of a fantastic meal that is easy to prepare, low-priced and features healthy foods. Grill lean hamburger patties until well-cooked. Next place the patties on whole grain all natural hamburger buns. You can serve the burgers with a large tossed salad as well as a side of steamed green beans. Follow this easy meal with a serving of fresh fruit for dessert. This meal can be on your table in less than half an hour and involves all healthy foods.

Grilling or baking lean meats, fish or chicken does not take to long to prepare. Tossing a salad of fresh greens and vegetables can easily be done while the meat is cooking. Alternatively you can round out the meals by using fresh or frozen vegetables. For added variety to your meals you can try using different healthy foods that you haven’t tasted before. Check the produce section of your local grocer which is stocked with a whole range of healthy foods including exotic fruits and vegetables. A good number produce sections offer recipes and tips to show how to prepare fruits and vegetables that you may not be familiar with. This is a great way to expose your children to a variety of healthy foods. Of course, you can experiment with many different fresh herbs that are also available in the produce sections that you can try to add different tastes to your meals.

You can prepare healthy foods on a regular basis to prepare fast nutritious meals. Healthy foods can also be used in more exotic recipes when you have the time. Healthy foods can also be prepared ahead of time and frozen for later use. You can be assured that when you prepare your own frozen foods, you know that they are not full of artificial additives and preservatives. Encourage children to get involve in the preparation of the healthy foods, thus creating a time when each can share about their day. Eating healthy foods do not have to cost you time or money, and they are certainly a better option for you.

James L. Paleta provides readers with up-to-date commentaries, articles, and reviews for food as well as otherrelated information.